Custom Web Development Agency

As a seasoned web development agency, Absolute Web’s expertise isn’t limited to just development; it extends into the realms of software engineering and strategic planning. This comprehensive approach ensures that we not only build web applications that boost your revenue and operational efficiency but also align perfectly with your long-term business goals.

Roman Yoffe, CEO

Agency Highlights & Awards

Inc. 5000 America’s
Fastest Growing
Private Companies

Inc. 5000 Fastest Growing
Companies in Florida

Top Ecommerce Agencies by Clutch

W3 Best Website Shopping Experience

Multi-Platform Award 2020 by Searchspring

National Excellence Winner by UpCity

Best Web Designers
in Miami by Expertise

Best Branding Agency in Miami by Expertise


Does your current infrastructure handle its current utilization? Does it leave you with room to grow? We work with some of the best technologies for monitoring, deploying, load balancing, and hosting the services that your applications use.


  • NewRelic
  • Datadog
  • Splunk


  • Percona MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • MongoDB
  • Redis


  • Nginx
  • Varnish


  • Elastic Search
  • Cassandra


Is your application slow? Whether the problem is sourced to the codebase, configuration, implementation, geological latency, etc., we can provide and realize solutions within your constraints.


  • Beanstalkd
  • ZeroMQ
  • RabbitMQ

Process Managers

  • PHP
  • HHVM

Asset Optimization

  • Pagespeed
  • Gulp

Code Optimization

  • Code Climate
  • Blackfire
  • Query Optimization


We work with some of the most reliable and robust PHP and NodeJS frameworks available today. Modern frameworks optimized for multiple environments, seamless deployment, worker queues, real-time communication, etc. Have an existing project using an older framework? We have experience with many older frameworks, too, transferable to any MVC-like architecture.

Modern Frameworks

  • Symfony
  • Laravel
  • Keystone
  • Yii

Older Frameworks

  • CodeIgniter
  • CakePHP
  • And more…


We make use of a multitude of technologies for version control, server provisioning, and deployment. Our backends are configured with process monitors like m/monit or supervisor to ensure if your application does go down, there is an automated cycle that will restart and in certain cases alert us into action.

Revision Control

  • Git
  • SVN
  • Mercurial


  • Empoyer
  • Forge
  • Capistrano
  • Ansible


  • Pingdom
  • M/Monit
  • Supervisor
  • Forever


Our experience with front-end extends from vanilla javascript, html, css to Angular and Redux + React making use of asset pre-compilers like Babel and SASS. We provide accessible, standards-compliant solutions from form validation, hardware-accelerated animations, dynamic graphs and charts, etc. to powerful single-page isomorphic applications backed by any custom or third party API.


  • Coffeescript
  • Babel
  • And more…


  • Vue Storefront (PWA)
  • Redux
  • React
  • Angular


  • Gulp
  • Webpack
  • Browserify

API Integration

There are countless APIs available that provide data or ways to pass along data. We’ve worked with analytics, advertising, accounting, affiliate, booking, weather, maps, nearby locations, payment processing, lead tracking, social media APIs and more. If you need to build or integrate an API, we have you covered.

Maps / Local

  • Google Maps
  • Yelp
  • Foursquare
  • Geolocation


  • Blackboard
  • Quizlet
  • ExamBuilder
  • Pearson LearningStudio

Payment Processing

  • Paypal
  • Braintree
  • Authorize.NET
  • Stripe, and more…


  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Linkedin, and more…

Scale Your Business

Our team of experienced software architects build scalable front-end and back-end solutions that are innovative and functional, making the custom web applications generate more revenue while also improving efficiency for your business.

Partner with Us for Transformative Web Solutions

From innovative custom web applications to trailblazing ecommerce platforms, our portfolio is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence. Contact us today to discuss your project.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you ensure the performance of custom functionality and applications?
We use the best technologies for monitoring, deploying, load balancing, and hosting to ensure your application handles current utilization efficiently and leaves room for future growth. Our performance optimization services address issues in the codebase, configuration, implementation, or geological latency to ensure your application runs smoothly.
What monitoring tools do you use to keep applications running efficiently?
We employ industry-leading monitoring tools like NewRelic, Datadog, and Splunk to monitor the performance of your application. These tools help us track resource utilization, identify bottlenecks, and ensure optimal application performance.
Which databases do you work with for custom development?
Our custom development solutions support various databases, including Percona MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, and Redis. We ensure proper database setup, maintenance, and optimization to meet your application's data management needs.
What HTTP technologies do you use for optimizing application speed?
We use Nginx and Varnish for HTTP optimization, helping to enhance page load speeds and server performance. This optimization ensures a seamless user experience, even under heavy traffic.
How do you handle search functionality within custom development?
For advanced search capabilities, we use technologies like Elastic Search and Cassandra. We customize these tools to provide fast, relevant search results for your application, regardless of the data's size and complexity.
What kind of queuing systems do you implement in applications?
We work with reliable queuing systems such as Beanstalkd, ZeroMQ, and RabbitMQ. These systems help manage background processes, ensuring smooth application performance even when handling large volumes of requests or data processing tasks.
Which PHP and Node.js frameworks do you specialize in?
Our team is experienced with modern frameworks like Symfony, Laravel, Keystone, and Yii, which are optimized for various environments and offer features like seamless deployment, worker queues, and real-time communication. We also have expertise in older frameworks like CodeIgniter and CakePHP, allowing us to support legacy applications and facilitate upgrades or migrations to newer technologies.
Where is your development team based?
Our team is headquartered in Miami, Florida, with additional offices in Los Angeles and Lisbon, Portugal. This setup allows us to provide comprehensive support across different time zones.
How do you manage version control and deployments?
We use a variety of technologies for version control, including Git, SVN, and Mercurial. For deployment, we employ tools like Empoyer, Forge, Capistrano, and Ansible, ensuring smooth and automated release cycles. Our backends are configured with process monitors (e.g., m/monit, Supervisor, Forever) to handle server provisioning and automatic restarts if your application goes down.
What is Absolute Web's experience with front-end development?
Our front-end expertise covers vanilla JavaScript, HTML, CSS, as well as frameworks like Angular, Redux, and React. We use preprocessors such as Coffeescript, Babel, LESS, and SASS, along with asset compilers like Gulp, Webpack, and Browserify to build standards-compliant, high-performance front-end solutions.
Can you integrate third-party APIs?
Yes, we have extensive experience integrating a wide range of APIs into custom applications. This includes APIs for analytics, advertising, accounting, booking, weather, maps, payment processing, social media, and more. We also build custom APIs tailored to your specific business needs.

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